No ver mal, no oir mal, no ver mal... Extranjeros pa' juera!
Beijing to force out foreign studentsNoticia completaOLYMPIC LEAVE: After incurring the ire of the business community with tighter
visa rules, Beijing now plans to have all foreign students gone for July and
AugustChina plans to order most foreign students to leave Beijing before the
Olympic Games in August, strictly regulate the issuing of business and tourist
visas, and deport refugees, sources said yesterday.“Even if you have to continue
your studies in September, you need to leave Beijing in July and August,” a
spokeswoman for Beijing University said.The university is one of China’s most
prestigious colleges and enrolls hundreds of foreign students annually on
Chinese-language and other courses.The spokeswoman from Beijing University’s
international cooperation department said the two-month gap applies to all
universities in Beijing and was ordered by “higher authorities” because of the
Olympics.She said all short-term summer courses for foreigners had been canceled
this year.