miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Grissom termina en Costa Rica

En estos días grises de invierno, me he reído sobremanera con el último capítulo de CSI. El personaje principal, Gil Grissom, interpretado por el actorazo William Petersen, abandona su puesto como supervisor de CSI y se embarca en una nueva aventura junto a su amada Sara, ni más ni menos que en Costa Rica. De CSI Files:
Grissom finishes packing up his office, and despite an impassioned plea to stay from Hodges, exits CSI, catching only Catherine's eye as he walks past the team hard at work. Grissom heads to Costa Rica where he reunites with Sara Sidle, kissing her passionately
Y de los comentarios:
Part of me thought the episode might end after Grissom walked
out of CSI, and I knew I wouldn't be satisfied with that. Viewers have invested eight and a half years in Grissom; they needed to know not just that he was leaving but where he would be going. So I was gratified when the screen flashed to Costa Rica and we saw Grissom in his funny little hat walking through the foliage. The minute I saw Grissom in Costa Rica, I knew where he was going, or rather, whom he was going to. Much like when Carol Hathaway joined Doug Ross at the end of ER, there was a comforting inevitability to the final scene. Did anyone truly expect Grissom was heading towards some other future? He made the decision to "up the ante" as he said in "Young Man with a Horn," and I can't think of what else that could have meant but a new life, a fresh start--with Sara.
LOL. Nos hicimos famosos ya. Próxima versión de CSI será en el extranjero, ¿tendremos CSI – Costa Rica? Se imaginan las historias... ¿Qué sigue: La Teja en Acción, OIJ contrataca, etc.? Ta güeno.
Nota: Petersen vivió muchos años en España y le gusta mucho la cultura latina